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FALL 2019


CASA Willowbrook Day of Beauty
CASA Willowbrook Day of Beauty Postcards
CASA Willowbrook Day of Beauty
Digital - Willowbrook NJ Specs (8.2018).
CASA Willowbrook Day of Beauty


To kick off the 2019 holiday season, executives at Willowbrook Mall in Wayne, NJ, approached Passaic County Court Appointed Special Advocates, (a child welfare non-profit) with interest in collaborating on an event. The goal for the event was to attract shoppers to the mall, support a good cause (CASA), and provide a platform for CASA to increase awareness about the organization, children in foster care, and the need for Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers within the community. It was ultimately decided that the event would be a "Day of Beauty," and take place at beauty counters in both Macy's and Bloomingdales. Attendees would receive free samples, mini-makeovers.

To attract the eye of potential attendees with interests in both beauty and children, I began by finding playful images of diverse children playing with make-up. I used contemporary and feminine bright pink accents to make the visuals "pop" and transition well across a variety of contexts, including in stores, online, in emails, and on social media.

Ultimately, I oversaw the production of promotional posters and postcards that were handed out at beauty counters during the weeks prior to the event.  I also supplied graphics for use on digital signage within the Mall. An aggressive social media campaign was also launched on Facebook and Instagram in the weeks leading up to the event.


The most challenging dimension of the project was finding the "right" stock photography to feature. I wanted something both playful and striking, featuring minority children of a range of ages. Good stock photography of non-white children can be difficult to find, but I've always found that if I look long enough, I eventually find something suitable.



Spanish Ad.jpg
Spanish Flyer.jpg
Door Hanger Rendering.jpg


Passaic County CASA, a Northern NJ-based child welfare non-profit, continually recruits a diverse group of volunteers to match the diversity of the children and families served by the organization.  In particular, the organization has an acute need for Spanish speaking volunteers. 

In order to reach potential Spanish-speaking volunteers in and around Passaic County, I designed social media content for Facebook and Instagram that featured Hispanic and Latino faces and explanatory Spanish text. I chose compelling and evocative images of children of a range of ages, stylistically adhering to CASA's brand standards. We then utilized both organic circulation and paid reach for individuals based on geography, demographics, and interests. 

I also designed advertisements for Spanish language newspapers and produced bilingual Spanish-English flyers and door hangers for distribution.


I also designed and produced bilingual CASA table tents for restaurants to display for their patrons.


This campaign is ongoing, but during FY2020 we've saw a 12% increase in volunteer recruitment, with a third of these new volunteers able to speak Spanish. 





ReeMat Designs Catalog Page 1
ReeMat Designs Catalog Page 2
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Paper Transformed.jpg
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Heritage Inspired.jpg
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AS Page 6.jpg


This catalog was designed over the summer of 2017 for prospective wholesale jewelry store clients. It was designed to be both printed and distributed digitally.


I wanted a simple and elegant design that let the artistry of the jewelry be first and foremost. I used an artistic script to highlight key concepts and add to the elegance of the design.


Finally, I designed complimentary social media graphics for Instagram.



NJ VegFest 2017 Poster
NJ VegFest 2017 Postcard
NJ VegFest 2017 Social Media
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NJ VegFest is an annual vegan food festival held at the NJ Meadowlands. The organizers wanted there to be a key promotional graphic that could be adapted for a range of uses. They wanted to emphasize that the festival is fun and accessible for vegans and non-vegans alike.

We decided to emphasize the food, beer, shopping and speakers that would be at the event, so I illustrated various elements representing these components and combined them into a single graphic.

This graphic was used as a poster, a postcard, and was adapted to social media. I also designed a variation featuring fall leaves that was used in social media and on area billboards. 


The organizers also asked me to design some large-scale signage for the event to help brand the exterior of the Meadowlands venue.

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